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The Public Economic Company FONDAL SPA is a Subsidiary of the Group of Metallurgical and Steel Industries by abbreviation IMETAL, with a share capital of 2141 000 000.00 DA, located in Algiers, whose main sector of activity is the production and marketing of foundry products namely castings of cast iron, steel and non-ferrous metals.

Resulting from a transformation of status in 2016 following the absorption of the Groupe Industriel Fondal and the merger of the joint-stock companies EPE ALFEL and EPE ALFON, called Production Units. It has more than 400 employees, all at the service of preserving the know-how acquired over 100 years.

The restructuring of the company is based on a centralization of all the departments that include FONDAL, located at the level of the Head Office located in the industrial zone of El-Harrach, overseeing the following Production Units:

  • Foundry of Oran-ALFON located at 01, rue Mohammed Bentayeb, Gambetta, El Menaouer, Oran
  • El Harrach-ALFEL foundry located at 3/5 Route de Baraki, El Harrach, Algiers.
Fondal SPA Algérie

LEADER in its field of Subcontracting Foundry, it is distinguished by a wide range exceeding 70 products, responding to different sectors of economic activity with a vocation, industrial, construction, steel, railway, agricultural, hydraulic, mechanical, urban and embellishment, with a production capacity of 9000 T/year cast iron, 900 T/year steel and 30,000 H/year machining and boilermaking.

The strategy adopted by the managers of EPE FONDAL SPA is based on a gradual evolution, based on the restructuring and redeployment of its main functions both industrially, commercially and financially as well as in terms of organization and human resources. . That is to say, a strategy centered mainly on the redeployment of internal resources and incidentally on fresh external resources through the new investment program and the support measures granted by the IMETAL Group Supervisory Authority.

Consequently, FONDAL’s strategic choices will revolve around the qualitative and quantitative orientations necessary to acquire new National and International market shares.

The Oran-ALFON Foundry Unit is an industrial unit whose main activity is based on the manufacture and marketing of castings in cast iron, steel and non-ferrous metals, by combining mechanical machining and industrial boilermaking.

Coming from the former name “Unité Fonderie d’Oran UFO” created by C. DUCROS & BRUSTLEIN in 1921, under the name “Ateliers et Fonderie CELESTIN DUCROS AFCD”, it made its debut in the manufacture of small unit forged parts, and over the years, this establishment grew to lead to the manufacture of armament parts and tractors by the casting process from 1926 to 1940.

The company “C. DUCROS” was endowed with competent personnel and structures that lent themselves to further develop the activities of foundry, machining and boilermaking.

Before independence, the company signed a contract to make “BERLIET” pieces and after independence it continued to work under the acronym of the new company of AFCD until its nationalization in November 1974 under the aegis of the company ex-SONACOME.

The latter further developed the capacities of the unit by carrying out a double operation, one in investment and the second in valorization of the foundry workshops, the machining and boilermaking workshop.

After the industrial restructuring of the companies in 1983, the unit was placed under the aegis of the National Foundry Company (ENF SPA), resulting from “SONACOME” and “SN-METAL”, where it maintained the same activities and developed a new one, namely: a mini-activity in aluminum and bronze casting.

The El Harrach-ALFEL Foundry Unit is an industrial unit whose main activity is based on the manufacture and marketing of parts
cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

Created in 1950, under the name of “Union Industrielle Africaine UIA”, then nationalized in 1974 under the name “Unité Fonderie d’El Harrach UFE”.

In 1983, UFE was transferred to the National Foundry Company ENF following the industrial restructuring of public companies.

In 2001, it became an ALFEL Subsidiary with the status of Joint Stock Company with a share capital of 870,000,000 DA following an organic reorganization of the ENF into the Industrial Group FONDAL SPA, itself part of the SGP TRANSOLB.

Since 2016, the El Harrach-ALFEL Foundry has been placed under the supervision of E.P.E FONDAL S.P.A following a merger absorption. ALFEL has proven itself for more than 70 years in the field of sanitation and roads, also, has developed its know-how in the field of studies and design of tools, manufacture of various parts, such as the range of its products, declined by market sectors, styling products differentiated according to the model manufactured

Word from the President:

The Algerian of Foundries is an economic public subcontracting company whose wide range of products meets the needs of several customers belonging to different important market sectors, such as the cement sector, mechanics, agriculture or the steel industry.

The structural change made to the FONDAL company following the decision of the public authorities to transfer its foundry unit from Tiaret to a new mechanical platform; imposes a redeployment and a new strategy based essentially on the relaunch of the project to build a new cast iron and steel foundry in the locality of Oran. This project will allow the company to maintain its position as a leader in the heart of the foundry business, which remains the major strategic objective of EPE FONDAL.

In addition, the revival of the national economy following the outcome of the health crisis linked to COVID-19 calls for greater economic agility and innovation for better support for national and private companies, whose activity is in contact with the foundry business, in order to allow them to return to their normal level of activity, and to enable FONDAL to develop.

FONDAL’s policy, through its two foundry units in Oran and El Harrach, based on the principles of differentiation, availability in customer assistance and product monitoring at the operating level, which remains an important asset.

During this year, EPE FONDAL began a process of seeking private and/or public industrial partners with the aim of concluding partnerships capable of attracting capital and know-how in the cross-functional functions of the profession, in l occurrence, research and development, investment and sales.

Our values
They reflect the way in which Fondal maintains its relationship with its customers

Since the creation of our company, our development in the industrial sector has been marked by our values. These values through which we have evolved and continue to evolve, are at the heart of each of our strategic decisions. In everything we do, we respect these fundamental principles:

Loyalty to the customer

The satisfaction of our customers remains our priority. This translates into respecting and assuming our responsibilities as well as our commitments. Without this, we will not be able to establish harmonious relations allowing us to move in the same direction.


Quality is a pillar of FONDAL's activity and applies to every level of operation of the company, from the selection of raw materials to product design and production. The performance of our teams is the living witness of this desire to make quality a major concern in the manufacture of our products.


Details make perfection, but perfection is not a detail. It is for us, one of the most important values which translates into our will permanent to bring the best possible service, keep looking for us to improve, to master each detail and to be demanding to ourselves


Innovating, updating and being part of the evolution are essential conditions in the development of our products and the prosperity of L'EPE FONDAL SPA.

Leader in many ways


Market leader, EPE FONDAL SPA specializes in the production and marketing of foundry products.

70 +

Products available

200 +


9000 +


400 +



FONDAL, erected into a company by the merger of the foundries of El Harrach and Oran, decided by this reorganization to implement a Quality management and environmental protection system with reference to international management standards. This proactive approach testifies to its desire to establish its commitments to strictly comply with the applicable regulations, to meet the requirements of its customers and to protect the environment while preventing and limiting pollution linked to its activity.

Oriented towards a commitment to continuous improvement of its performance and practices to ensure its development over time, it is based on the objective of satisfying all of its interested parties while respecting the environment and at the same time, assiduously demonstrate its know-how, in compliance with the standards and regulations in force.

FONDAL relies on its people, whose commitment today is well established, for the deployment and concrete and proven implementation of its Quality and Environment policy, which is articulated and translated into the following axes :

  • The implementation of a policy of differentiation through the diversification of foundry products, the objective of which is to conquer new market shares and to integrate the needs and requirements of potential customers.
  • Ensure adaptation to changing contexts and flexibility in handling requests from customers and relevant stakeholders.
  • Maintain an innovative and progressive approach.
  • Develop lasting relationships with our potential partners and service providers associated with our products.
  • Continuously develop the effectiveness of the Quality and Environment Management System by defining objectives and targets for which the necessary means will be deployed.
  • Control the conformity and quality of our products in order to reach an optimal level.
  • Ensure effective quality control.
  • Optimize the use of human resources and give priority to developing the skills and team spirit of our employees.
  • Apply the principle of continuous improvement to our activities and our environmental performance and ensure the proper functioning of this principle.
  • Bring the work environment back into compliance.
  • Ensure control of production and operating costs
  • Comply with the applicable regulations in force, by setting up a regulatory monitoring system, in order to ensure compliance with the company's internal regulations and ensure equity between employees.
  • Maîtriser nos aspects environnementaux et sensibiliser et promouvoir la protection et la prévention de l’environnement.
  • Develop public-private partnerships to enable the launch of major projects of general interest by spreading the costs over a long period.

The objectives of our Quality & Environment Policy are established and reviewed by a discussion committee made up of the central management and executives of the company, which meet systematically at the end of each half-yearly or exceptional Management review of the Company. .

FONDAL’s management, supported by its management, undertakes to provide the means necessary for the deployment and implementation of this Quality & Environment Policy, assuming responsibility and calling on its partners and subcontractors to collaborate and adopt its principles

Our commitment to sustainability helps us share the benefits with our customers. It permeates the way we do business, driving us to innovate.